Aarhus University / Digital Catalyst
How can boards of directors in small and medium-sized Danish businesses increase their growth by implementing digital technologies?
Digital Catalyst is a collaboration between the Center for Small and Medium-sized Businesses at Aarhus University, DTU Business, Væksthus Midtjylland, and Gejst /Studio. The project is supported by Industriens Fond – The Danish Industry Foundation – with a grant of 6.7 million DKK. We at Gejst Studio contribute our experience, strategy, and execution of digital innovation and business development for program partners.

In the project, 45 companies are selected for three different types of courses, where each course is designed to enhance the board of directors’ digital competences. The result of Digital Catalyst will be research-based, open-source tools that improve the Danish SMB-board of directors’ abilities to develop and anchor a strategy for digital initiatives and innovation.
The ambition of the project is to create financial growth – both in the short term and in the long term – by giving the SMB-board of directors knowledge and tools to work strategically with the utilization of digital technology in their business models.